Since About eight years ago, introduced Bitcoin as a digital currency then till now make significant developments in cryptocurrency industry. Make many developers, investors but most of violate Islamic Sharis rule. It’s alsonoted that till now worth noting that existing cryptocurrencies have not been designed with Islamic markets in mind. Many Muslims simply can’t use cryptocurrencies because of their restricted legal status and high barriers to entry in many countries in the Islamic world. OneGram aims to solve these issues, introduced us new cryptocurrency, where each coin is backed by one gram of gold at launch.
What Sharia actual is?
Sharia is a set of religious laws derived from the Islamic tradition, in particular, the Quran and Hadith. It includes principles that guide the financial, economic, legal, and domestic affairs of Muslims. Accordingly, Islamic scholars derived 3 key criteria that differentiate Islamic finance from its counterparts:
- Prohibiting interest, which is the source of unjustifiable income.
- Encouraging profit and loss sharing based on the partners’ capital, risks share and effort.
- Prohibiting transactions that are uncertain and excessively speculative.
A great News for Investors and Digital Money Users cause of dealing completely safe with OGC (ICO) of offering starts May 27 which Followed By Sharia Law. OneGram - ICO on the first day of Ramadan Moon! the world’s first Sharia-compliant, gold-backed digital currency. OGC token crowdsale which will begin at the onset of Ramadan, 2017 and continue for 120 days. Just simple creating an account on GoldGuard and purchase gold at live spot rates.
OneGram uses blockchain technology to create a new kind of cryptocurrency, where each coin is backed by one gram of gold at launch.
Historically gold is more resilient, and holds its worth better than any fiat money, particularly in times of economic instability.
No currency can guarantee absolute stability, but OneGram limits your exposure to the downside risk.
Because the base price of OneGram is always at least equal to the spot price of gold, OneGram has a floor price.
Each OneGram transaction generates a small fee. Unlike other cryptocurrencies, in OneGram, this fee is reinvested (net of admin costs) to buy more gold and increase the amount of gold that backs each token.
As transaction volume increases, more gold gets added to the vault and all OneGram owners share in the profit. So, over time, each OneGram is fundamentally worth more by design.
OneGram is an asset class that increases in value. Not just from the price of gold but also from the amount of gold that backs each coin, which increases with each transaction. This makes OneGram a forever increasing valuable asset.
OneGram Roadmap
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By : Suvo Devnath
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